Mark Eicher resides in Muskingum County,
he is a 1996 graduate from The Ohio State University with a bachelor
of science degree in Civil Engineering.
He is licensed as a professional engineer and a professional
surveyor. Mark has served as
the Muskingum County Engineer since 2018. He has 5 years
experience with the Ohio Department of Transportation where he
served as the access management coordinator for District 5.
From 2002 to 2009 he was self employed at Eicher Engineering
and Consulting where he was actively involved in numerous private
and public improvement projects throughout southeastern Ohio.
He has 2 years experience as the Deputy Engineer in Muskingum
County, 2 years as the Deputy Engineer in Noble County and six years
as the Noble County Engineer.
Mark has
two children, Cassie and Chloe.
He is a member of NACE (National Association of County
Engineers) and CEAO (County Engineers Association of Ohio, ASCE
(American Society of Civil Engineers).
He serves on the Foundation Board for Zane State College and
the Steering Committee for the Magnum Research Park.
In the past he has served as the chairman of the Zanesville
Downtown Design Review Board and as a Rotarian he received
recognition as a Paul Harris Fellow.
He is a recipient of the 2015 Friends of 4-H award winner
from the Noble County 4-H Council.